4 Serious Differences Between Men and Women When It Comes to Retirement

In a perfect world, men and women would be treated equally and paid equally, and there would never be any gender discrimination. But we don't live in a utopia, and the world is far from perfect.

While women have made great strides since the Mad Men days, when they were pigeonholed into being housewives or working as secretaries, they still have a long way to go when it comes to full equality. It's fantastic that women now make up more than 10% of CEOs who lead Fortune 500 companies, but that's a tiny number, compared to the 90% of male leaders.

This inequality has a huge impact on retirement, as well. If you're a woman, you're unfortunately carrying the short end of the stick here, too. Here are four serious differences between men and women when it comes to retirement.

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Source Fool.com