4 Stocks Warren Buffett Is Likely to Add to in 2021

Warren Buffett is arguably the greatest investor alive today. The CEO of Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-A)(NYSE: BRK-B) has overseen an average annual return in his company's stock of 20.3% in a 55-year stretch between 1965 and 2019. For you math-phobes out there, this works out to an aggregate gain of 2,744,062%. Put another way, $100 invested into Berkshire Hathaway at the end of 1964 would have made you a multi-millionaire by December 2019.

The Oracle of Omaha has a knack for identifying plain-as-day values and hanging onto companies with sustainable competitive advantages for long periods of time. In other words, when Warren Buffett buys or sells a stock, Wall Street and retail investors pay very close attention.

In 2021, I believe it's likely that Buffett or his investing lieutenants (Todd Combs and Ted Weschler) will look to add to the following four positions.

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Source Fool.com