4 Takeaways From Jeff Bezos' Annual Shareholder Letter

Jeff Bezos, Amazon's (NASDAQ: AMZN) CEO and founder, and one of the most respected minds in business, recently released his annual shareholder letter. But rather than focus on the company's long-term thinking or its creative approaches to innovation as he has in the past, Bezos spent much of the letter discussing the COVID-19 pandemic and Amazon's role in the disaster. 

There's no doubt that Amazon's services have been in high demand since the crisis began as the company hired 100,000 new employees in March and is now seeking to add another 75,000 workers. However, beyond the immediate impact on Amazon's business, Bezos took time to explain other key ways that the company is responding to the crisis and how it's keeping its long-term focus beyond the pandemic. Here are four key takeaways from the letter

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. Image source: Amazon.

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