October means glorious foliage and all things pumpkin -- and it's hardly the season to be thinking about taxes, right? Wrong. Now's actually the perfect time to put some thought into your taxes, even when you're busy enjoying the start of autumn. Here are a few key moves to focus on this month.

If you didn't have your taxes ready by the April deadline and filed for an extension, you'll need to start gathering your paperwork so you can file your return by Oct. 16. Keep in mind that if you owe the IRS money, you'll want to work on paying off your balance as quickly as possible. That's because for every month you're late on that payment, you'll be charged 0.5% of what you owe, up to a maximum of 25%. Worse yet, that calculation will date back to the original tax filing deadline of April 18 earlier this year.


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Source: Fool.com