4 Things Royal Dutch Shell's CFO Thinks You Should Know

We all knew that Royal Dutch Shell's (NYSE: RDS-A) (NYSE: RDS-B) management had big plans to transform the company post-BG Group merger, but I don't think we anticipated it to happen this quickly. Not only has the company executed tens of billions in asset sales over the past several months, but the company's cash flows from operations seem to suggest that management is wringing out a lot of inefficiencies that have plagued Shell's returns for years. 

As you might expect, management took the opportunity to take a bit of a victory lap on its most recent earnings conference call by touting things like better-than-expected cash flow and meeting its divestment goals sooner than predicted, but there were some other points on the call that were much more interesting. Here's a set of quotes from Shell CFO Jessica Uhl that could have some longer-term impacts on the company.

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Source: Fool.com