4 Tips to Survive Your Company Retreat

You spend the majority of your waking hours at the office, whether in meetings, or chained to your desk, so by the time the weekend rolls around, the last thing you want is to spend even more time focused on all things work related. That's why the words "company retreat" are among the most dreaded and feared for hardworking individuals who want nothing more than a chance to escape the grind at the end of each week.

Of course, declining a company retreat is easier said than done. Typically, businesses that hold retreats give employees plenty of notice, so unless you really have a valid excuse, you'd better plan on attending. Still, your company retreat doesn't have to be torturous, and if you play your cards right, it can end up serving as a career-building opportunity. Here are a few tips to navigate your upcoming retreat -- and ideally make the best of it.


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Source: Fool.com