4 Ways Novices Can Invest More Safely in the COVID-19 Era

Investing in the COVID-19 era is intimidating. While the market's generally been rising since mid-March, there are still more than 30 million people out of work, businesses and communities are still partially shut down, and coronavirus infections continue to spread. Under those conditions, market optimism could go sideways in a flash.

As a novice investor, you might feel like your best place is on the sidelines. That healthy level of risk awareness isn't a bad thing, but all-out fear can limit your ability to achieve long-term financial goals. That's because there will always be market downturns. And if your response is to get out or stay out of the market, you undercut your access to growth. A better approach is to learn to mitigate your risk and feel comfortable with your strategy, even in extreme market climates. Here are four ways to do just that.

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