4 Work Habits That Make You Seem Incompetent

Whether you're vying for a promotion at work or simply want to get in your manager's good graces, a can-do attitude is essential to getting ahead. On the other hand, giving your boss or colleagues reason to believe you're not up to work-related challenges can hurt your career and put you at a severe disadvantage. With that in mind, here are a few common habits that can make you come off as incompetent -- so you'll want to avoid them at all costs.

It's one thing to oversleep on occasion or run into train trouble that causes you to get delayed. But if you have a tendency to show up late to work all the time, or frequently enough that others notice, then you're more likely than not to be regarded as incompetent. After all, if you can't manage to set an alarm clock and properly estimate your commute time, how can you be trusted to oversee accounts or tackle major presentations? Though you may need to alter your morning routine, don't make the mistake of being late to work multiple times a week. Getting up 20 minutes earlier could be just the thing to salvage your career.

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Source: Fool.com