5 Fast Facts About 5-Bagger Franco-Nevada

Franco-Nevada Corp. (NYSE: FNV) may not be the first name that comes to mind when you think about precious metal stocks, but you'd be stunned at how the stock has outperformed more popular names in the space like Barrick Gold (NYSE: ABX). Barrick, for example, has unfortunately lost investors money over the past decade. Franco-Nevada stock, by contrast, was a five-bagger during the period!

That incredible rally isn't a fluke, and these five key points go a long way toward explaining what sent the stock soaring.

It's natural that when most people think of the mining sector, they think of companies like Barrick, that develop and operate mines, extracting gold and other metals to sell to third parties or in the market. Franco-Nevada uses a very different business model, as it neither owns nor operates mines, but buys streams of precious metals at a steep discount from the actual miners.

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Source: Fool.com