Medicare is one of the most popular government programs available to Americans because of the healthcare services it offers to older Americans. Each year, program participants have to prepare for the annual changes that happen with Medicare. 2018 will see some provisions of Medicare change while others remain the same, and there's also the possibility of further changes occurring mid-year. Let's look at four Medicare changes that are sure things for 2018 and then turn to a possible change from healthcare reform efforts.

Medicare premiums typically go up each year in line with the rising cost of healthcare. Yet 2018 is unusual, because some premiums that Medicare participants pay will stay the same.

Most people get Part A hospital insurance coverage free of charge as long as they had at least 10 years of work at a job that paid into the Medicare system or are married to someone who did. Those who didn't though, will pay either $232 or $422 per month, depending on whether they had at least 30 quarters of qualifying work or not. Those numbers are up $5 and $9, respectively, from 2017 levels.

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