5 Reasons Not to Work From Home

These days, a growing number of employees are making the switch from working in an office to working from home. There are plenty of good reasons to go that route. When you do your job from home, you get more flexibility. You can be there to let delivery people in, do loads of laundry during mid-day breaks, and walk your dog. And because you're not commuting, you reap some savings, too.

But working from home isn't for everyone, and in some cases, it's a move you might regret. Here are a few reasons why working from home could be the wrong decision for you.

Some people don't mind working solo and occasionally checking in with colleagues via email or phone. But if you're a social person by nature, working from home could make for a lonely experience. This especially holds true if you're used to working in a team environment, and enjoy the camaraderie of office life.

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