5 Reasons the Stock Market Hasn't Bottomed Out Yet

Whether you realize it or not, investors have witnessed history being made in 2020. They've seen the longest bull market in history (11 years) come to an unceremonious end because of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, and were taken for one heck of a ride when it took just 17 trading sessions for the market to move from all-time high levels into bear market territory. That's by far the steepest descent into a bear market in history.

Investors have also been privy to record-setting volatility, as measured by the CBOE Volatility Index, or VIX. The benchmark S&P 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC) has logged 10 of Its 13-largest single-session point declines in history since Feb. 24, 2020, as well as its eight-biggest single-day point gains ever.

With the stock market falling in excess of 30% in just over a month, and now having bounced back nearly 30% from its lows set on March 23, the question investors are left to ask is this: Is a stock market bottom now in?

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Source Fool.com