Retirement is an exciting prospect, and for some, it's too tempting to resist. The average senior signs on for their golden years at age 62, according to a 2014 Gallup poll. Unfortunately, a separate study by Fidelity found that 55% of of current retirees are at risk of running out of money before the end of their lives. If you're having second thoughts about retirement, keep these factors in mind. They can help you decide whether a few more years of employment is worth the effort. 

Retirement wasn't quite what you expected, and you're feeling more restless than relaxed. You're not alone: roughly 30% of retirees would return to the workforce if given the chance, and the benefits are tangible. In addition to extra income, remaining employed is better for your brain according to a 2013 French health study, which found that the risk of dementia increased by 15% among retirees who left their jobs by age 60. On the other hand, participants who worked as little as five years more remained engaged and mentally fit. Consider your personal temperament and how you're handling the hours of free time. You might find value in working longer. 

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