5 Skills You Need for a Career in Sales

Though a sales career isn't for everyone, if you're the type of person who can get behind a product or service and aren't ashamed to peddle it to the world, you stand to make a pretty good living. That's because if you manage to work your way from sales associate to director, you can join the ranks of those who earn a median salary of $158,256 -- not too shabby.

There are other perks to working in sales, too. Not only might you get a chance to travel and see new places, but if you're a commission-based independent contractor, you'll get to write off certain costs you encounter while doing business, such as mileage on your vehicle or meals and entertainment.

If you're interested in pursuing a sales career, you should know that there are certain skills you'll need to be successful. Here are a few you should work on honing.

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Source: Fool.com