5 Stocks Financial Twitter Won't Shut Up About

Over the past quarter of a century, technology has played a big role in helping make John and Jane Q. Investor a lot of money. In particular, the advent of the internet has allowed for the instantaneous dissemination of information at the click of a button. This ease of access to earnings results, press releases, income statements, and balance sheets has helped level what was once a very uneven playing field.

But It's not just the access to information that's been helping investors thrive. We're also seeing communities of investors come together to share information and ideas. It's the foundation that The Motley Fool is built upon, and it can also be seen on select social media platforms.

A good example is financial Twitter (NYSE: TWTR), which is also commonly referred to as FinTwit. Twitter's tens of millions of interested investors are regularly sharing stock ideas and information via tweets to hopefully get collectively richer. While there's no official ranking of what companies FinTwit is talking about the most, it sure seems that the financial Twitter won't shut up about the following five stocks.

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Source Fool.com