5 Stocks You Can Confidently Invest $500 In Right Now

So -- you've got $500 in your pocket and you're looking to invest in some stocks. Great! There's no need to wait until you have several thousand dollars to do so. (Just be sure you're ready to invest -- with an emergency fund in place and no high-interest credit card debt to pay off.)

There are various ways you can go about investing your $500 -- or whatever sum you have ready. You might plow it all into one stock -- but if that's the only stock you own, or one of only a few, you'll have a lot of eggs in very few baskets. You might split it across a handful of stocks, instead. You could look for five priced around $100 each, but that's not a great way to pick stocks. Instead, see if your brokerage lets you buy fractions of shares. If it does, you can end up buying 1.5 share of one stock, 8.7 shares of another, 0.3 of yet another, and so on.

Here are five stocks you might want to consider for berths in your portfolio. See which ones interest you.

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Source Fool.com