5 Things You Should Never Do During a Business Meeting

Meetings: Like them or not, they're an integral part of corporate life. It's estimated that middle managers spend just over one-third of their time in meetings, while higher-level execs spend half of their time wasting away in conference rooms. But while you might resent the fact that meetings eat up such a huge chunk of your schedule, once you make the commitment to attend, you should know that certain behavior is just plain unacceptable. Here are some things you should never, ever do in a meeting -- no matter what.

Perhaps you're expecting an important call, or keep whipping out your phone to skim through some work-related emails. There are a million ways to justify being glued to your phone during a meeting, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter -- you're going to look unprofessional. If you're really anticipating an urgent call, put your phone on silent, stick it in your pocket, and only check it if you feel a buzz. Similarly, any message that comes your way via email is probably something that can wait an hour, so focus on your meeting and then carve out some time afterward to respond at your desk.

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Source: Fool.com