5 Things to Know About MercadoLibre Stock Before You Buy

When stocks become popular, many investors buy them without knowing much about the underlying businesses. This is understandable to some extent. When a stock is going up and people are talking about it, a natural reaction is to want to be part of the fun.

However, without knowledge about a company, it's a lot harder to know whether to hold on to a stock when times are tough. Understanding a business is key to successful long-term investing. So let's try and understand MercadoLibre (NASDAQ: MELI).

This Latin American fintech has become a popular stock -- outpacing the S 500 by 78 percentage points over the last five years -- thanks to impressive results. But is it worth owning now? Here are five things every investor needs to know about MercadoLibre before buying shares.

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Source Fool.com