5 Tips for Balancing Work and Homeschooling

As a self-employed writer, I'm no stranger to working from home. As such, I'm not grappling with the same challenges that many new remote workers are dealing with -- trouble with concentration, communication issues, and just plain feeling lonely and out of touch. But one aspect I am struggling with is balancing job-related responsibilities and homeschooling.

I'm certainly not the only working parent with this predicament. With schools and child care centers being closed throughout the country because of COVID-19, many parents have been thrown into the seemingly impossible position of having to hold down full-time jobs while also caring for kids and keeping tabs on online school meetings, assignments, and deadlines. Therefore, I'm actually feeling the opposite of isolated and restless -- I'm feeling perpetually swamped.

The good news, however, is that I'm in a much better place at this stage of the juggling act than I was five or six weeks ago when all of this started. Here are some of the tricks that have worked for me in balancing my various responsibilities -- and they may work for you, too.

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Source Fool.com