5 Top Dividend Stocks Investors Should Never Sell

While a lot of folks are busy trying to identify the next big investment trend, keep this tidbit of information in mind: Over the long run, dividend stocks have run circles around their non-dividend-paying peers.

Dividend stocks might lack the pizzazz of high-growth stocks and appear boring on the surface, but they're a model of consistency. Income stocks are almost always profitable, they typically have time-tested business models, and they're the real key to compounding investor wealth over the long term. Dividend reinvestment plans, or Drips, are what many of the most successful money managers use to create wealth for their clients.

But let's face it -- no two dividend stocks are alike. There are hundreds upon hundreds of income stocks for investors to choose from, and quite a few look to be poor places to park your money. That's where the following five companies come into play. These might as well be the top dividend stocks in the world. Income-seeking investors can safely buy into these five stocks and shouldn't have to worry about ever having to sell.

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Source Fool.com