5 Ways to Prepare Financially for Parental Leave

Bringing a child into your family is an exciting period of life. It's also a scary one, and a time that can be marred with financial distress -- particularly when it comes to parental leave. If you're expecting to be out of work for several months or longer, here are a few ways to prepare for that welcome, yet potentially stressful, change.

It's an unfortunate statistic that only 40% of companies offer paid parental leave as part of their benefits package. If you're expecting to go out on leave, be sure to get clarity on how much paid time your company will, or will not, be giving you. Keep in mind that in some cases, you'll need to have been employed for a certain length of time before becoming eligible for paid leave, so ask the right questions to ensure that you have your facts straight.


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Source: Fool.com