60% of Credit Card Accounts Carry a Balance. Here's Why That Isn't Necessarily a Bad Thing.

It's generally a bad thing to carry a balance on a credit card. The typical credit card charges an interest rate of about 15% per year on balances, with some rising as high as 29% when penalty interest comes into play. Given short-term interest rates are still pretty darn close to zero, paying an interest rate in the double digits is a big, fat mistake.

But if you do it, you aren't alone. Thanks to the Federal Reserve's recent payments study, we learned that more than three out of five credit card accounts had a balance that was carried over at least once from one month to the next in 2015, the most recent period for which data is available.

You can carry a balance on a credit card and use a credit card responsibly. These behaviors are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

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Source: Fool.com