6 Career Rules for the 21st Century

Your career isn't just that thing you do to bring in money -- ideally, it should serve as a source of personal satisfaction. No matter what sort of vocation you choose to pursue, here are a few rules for making the most of your career.

There's perhaps no worse feeling than the idea of being trapped in a thankless job with no opportunity for growth. If you come to find that you're in a dead-end job, you'll need to nip that situation in the bud -- before it messes with not just your performance, but your sanity.

In fact, sticking with a dead-end job could end up hurting your career in several ways. Not only might it lead to a situation where you start slacking off due to sheer boredom and get fired, but it could prevent you from developing the skills you need to grow within your field (or another field).

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Source: Fool.com