6 Tips For Getting Paid What You're Worth

Negotiating salary, particularly upon receiving a job offer, is an often-dreaded task. Fear of losing the position before you even start, or simply being uncomfortable discussing a higher salary, can cost employees between $1 million and $2 million over the course of their career, according to a study conducted by Southern Methodist University Professor Robin Pinckley.

With so much potential income at stake, why not discuss higher pay? Not only will negotiating your salary possibly result in more income but when done correctly, your new employer will actually gain more confidence in your abilities. After all, if you weren't certain you were the right person for the job, you wouldn't ask to get paid what you're worth.

Think you're ready to step up to the challenge? First, read the tips below to make sure your salary negotiation results in you making every last penny you're worth.

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Source: Fool.com