74% of Workers Plan to Hold Down a Job in Retirement. Here Are 3 Great Reasons to Do the Same.

After a lifetime of effort, you may be more than ready to stop working once you reach a certain age. A lot of people don't work in retirement, but there are benefits to holding down a job in some capacity as a senior. In fact, 74% of workers today say they plan to have a job in retirement, according to a recent survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute. Here's why you may want to plan on that, too.

An estimated 53% of workers in their 50s have less than $100,000 in retirement savings, according to a survey by TD Ameritrade released earlier this year. If you're in the same boat, you may have an opportunity to catch up somewhat, but if you're planning to retire during your 60s, you may still fall short despite your best efforts. And if that's the case, some extra money from a job could come in quite handy.


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Source Fool.com