AI Is the Biggest Threat to Google (and Alphabet) Right Now, not Its Biggest Catalyst

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot topic in the corporate world this year. Thanks to companies like OpenAI and its ChatGPT platform, natural language generative AI has matured to the point that businesses are able to successfully deploy it in their day-to-day operations. 

ChatGPT could eventually have a profound impact on many industries, but it's targeting internet search engines at the moment. 's (NASDAQ: GOOGL)(NASDAQ: GOOG) Google Search is one such platform caught in the crosshairs. Some investors are concerns as it apparently was caught flat-footed by the rise of AI-powered chatbots. Microsoft's (NASDAQ: MSFT) partnership with OpenAI is of particular concern because its ChatGPT is being integrated into the Bing search engine. Various companies in numerous industries are racing to build AI plug-ins for Bing and ChatGPT, which could result in their users circumventing search engines like Google entirely.

It's still early in the development process, but these integrations could eventually turn out to be a big problem for Google (and Alphabet).

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