AT&T's Content Moves Make Sense

The telecommunications industry has never been one to boast exciting news stories about high-flying growth companies or revolutionary changes. The talk of 5G is news, but is something that everyone knows will get here when it gets here, providing faster speeds than ever before -- the same story when 4G came into the picture.

There are bigger things than 5G when it comes to AT&T (NYSE: T). The merger with Time Warner is likely the most significant thing to happen in the wireless arena since the iPhone's debut. This is a colossal step forward that, I believe, is a flashing indicator of big changes coming.

Attaining wireless customers has always been competitive and for many years the spotlight has been on the the two big players in wireless: AT&T and Verizon (NYSE: VZ). Over the past few years, T-Mobile has made a big entrance onto the scene, but still has a ways to go to compete with the scale of the two giants. While Verizon continues to make acquisitions and spend to build and reinforce its current network dominance, AT&T is taking another route. 

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