A Better Year for PCs Doesn't Make HP a Buy

Good news for personal computer manufacturers -- finally. Technology market research outfit Gartner estimates that thanks to Q4's 2.3% year-over-year growth in PC purchases, 2019's total PC shipments grew 0.6%. IDC pegs the full-year growth figure at 2.7%.

Neither is tremendous, but the first annual growth in personal computer deliveries since 2011 is still a big relative victory for names like HP and Dell Technologies. Things might have been even better had Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) not hit a couple of production speed bumps.

If you think the data marks a lasting turning point for HP and the personal computer industry, though, know you're going against the grain. Gartner believes the PC market is poised to run into a headwind -- as does IDC -- and the company's printer business continues to shrink as well. Contrary to glimmers of hope that seemed to start shining late last year, there's no proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.

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Source Fool.com