A Once-in-a-Generation Investment Opportunity: 1 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Growth Stock to Buy Now and Hold Forever

Artificial intelligence (AI) went viral last year, and the speed at which it made the rounds caught many in the tech sector off guard. To be clear, AI, in the broadest sense, has been around for decades, but the latest algorithms have really taken it to the next level. Generative AI is now being used to streamline processes and generate original content, and the resulting productivity gains are driving rapid adoption.

Veteran Wedbush tech analyst Dan Ives said the technology will spark the "fourth industrial revolution," further noting, "AI is the most transformational technology we have seen since the internet started to take shape."

While some might call it hyperbole, the view is gaining widespread acceptance throughout the tech industry. Even conservative estimates place the economic value of generative AI at $1 trillion by the end of the decade. Companies that position themselves to profit from these secular tailwinds will likely participate in the resulting windfall, with shareholders ultimately reaping the rewards.

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Source Fool.com