A Once-in-a-Generation Investment Opportunity: 1 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Growth Stock to Buy Now and Hold

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is causing a paradigm shift in today's modern technological world. AI technologies are making their presence felt in all walks of life -- be it education, business, investing, or home management. Not surprisingly, artificial intelligence has also become a major investment trend on the stock market, and has captivated the interest of both amateur and seasoned investors.

However, it is essential to understand that all AI-powered companies are not created equal. Only a few of these companies are in a position to benefit significantly from the ongoing AI rush. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (NYSE: TSM), also called TSMC, seems strategically positioned to capitalize on this opportunity, as it is playing a major role in building the hardware infrastructure required to run complex AI workloads.

Here's why TSMC could be a smart long-term pick.

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Source Fool.com