A Safe, High-Yield Cannabis Stock? Yes, That's a Real Thing.

Chances are that you'd struggle to find a more attractive growth opportunity over the next 10 years than legal cannabis. Sales in the global pot industry more than tripled over the previous four years, and they're on track to grow between fivefold and 18-fold between 2018 and 2030, according to Wall Street's wide range of forecasts.

However, "next big thing" investments do have a near-guaranteed drawback: Each and every hot investment will see its bubble burst. The expectations of Wall Street and investors are always too lofty when new trends hit the market, and cannabis has proven no different. Since marijuana has only recently been legalized at the recreational level in an industrialized country, it's as much a learning curve for the businesses operating in this space as it is for investors and regulators.

Image source: Getty Images.

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