Adding $1,000 to These 3 Top Stocks Right Now Would Be Brilliant

The world is plagued with uncertainty, so it's understandable that people would want to hang on to most of their hard-earned cash. The pandemic is nowhere near contained as cases spike across the globe and unemployment in the U.S. is still near historic highs. Even in the face of these unprecedented challenges, however, it's important to remember that things will turn around, with plenty of reasons to invest for the future.

You don't need the riches of Warren Buffett or Bill Gates to get started. Even small sums invested regularly over time can generate long-term wealth, despite the present remaining mired in uncertainty. Stocking your portfolio with disruptive companies with significant market opportunities is one way to jump-start your way to an enviable nest egg.

If you have as little as $1,000 (or less) in cash that you don't need for immediate expenses or to augment your emergency fund, buying shares in these companies with impressive growth prospects could be sheer genius.

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