Afraid of a Crash? Make It a Moneymaker Instead.

Worries about the Wuhan coronavirus are hitting global stock markets hard, and that's been especially troubling to investors who've largely seen stock prices move nearly straight up over the past decade. With so many people on Wall Street having worried about when the long bull market in stocks would come to an end, it's natural to be afraid of what could come next -- especially if you're thinking about putting new money to work in the market right now.

Nobody wants to look silly by investing when stocks are at their most expensive. But market downturns are a fact of life, and they're the price you pay to get the long-term returns that stocks offer investors who go the distance. You have to learn to live with them, and while they're not always comfortable, they can actually help you improve your overall performance -- if you're prepared and know what to do.

Following are four things to think about right now, before a big downturn strikes.

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