It's been a tough past few years for Alibaba Group Holding (NYSE: BABA), and, by extension, for shareholders. The stock's down 76% from its late 2020 peak, unable to hold into the gains driven during and because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It's still dwindling, too, now back within sight of the multi-year low made in late 2022. Investors just see too many lingering red flags.

As veteran investors know, though, you own stocks based on the underlying company's plausible future rather than its past. Might there be a chance Alibaba's finally about to shrug off what's holding it back?

You mostly likely know the company as China's e-commerce powerhouse, but that's not all it is. Alibaba also operates a cloud computing business, manages a logistics arm, owns a handful of digital entertainment properties, and is even tinkering with artificial intelligence and autonomous-vehicle tech.

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