Amazon Did $143 Billion in Q3 Revenue, but Here's Where It Generates 62% of Its Operating Profit

In the third quarter of 2023 (ended Sept. 30), Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) generated revenue of $143 billion. The vast majority of this, about $92 billion, was derived from online stores and third-party seller services, which are directly related to the company's insanely successful digital marketplace.

It has long been the case that Amazon's e-commerce operations were the bread and butter of the business. After all, the company was founded with the goal of selling books online, which eventually turned into consumers being able to buy just about anything they wanted from the comfort of their homes.

With so many billions in e-commerce revenue, investors may be surprised to learn that this tech titan generated 62% of its Q3 operating income from an entirely different segment. Here's what you need to know.

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