Amazon Is Launching a Chatbot, and It's Undercutting Microsoft and Alphabet

It's been a year since ChatGPT emerged on the scene. Since then, artificial intelligence (AI) has been a big theme in investing. Businesses have been eager to talk up their AI-powered products and services, regardless of how significant they are. AI is the new buzzword for companies to lure in customers and investors alike.

If you've been focusing on AI stocks, your attention may have been on Nvidia, Microsoft, or . The latter two unveiled their own chatbots and have even rolled out products for their enterprise clients. But investors shouldn't forget about Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN). The company is no stranger to AI, and it recently announced its own chatbot.

Amazon recently unveiled its new AI-powered assistant, called Amazon Q. But unlike ChatGPT or Bard, this new chatbot is tailored toward businesses. There is no link or app that will allow people to easily test it out on their own to compare to those other chatbots.

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