Amazon May Launch Cashier-Free Checkout at Whole Foods

According to a source who spoke to the New York Post today, Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) has decided to implement the same cashier-free system at its Whole Foods stores as it recently introduced at Amazon Go locations. The cashier-less checkout will appear at the company's natural and organic foods brand outlets starting in 2021, the source said, probably in the second quarter.

The technological system, officially known as "Just Walk Out," detects items selected by customers using scanners and sensors, then charges their credit cards as they exit the location. The process streamlines checkout, eliminates the need for close contact with clerks, and likely assists Amazon in trimming employee expenses. The Just Walk Out system appears to be popular with shoppers at the several dozen Amazon Go stores where it's in use, with Google reviews indicating an average 4.7-star rating.

A sphere at Amazon headquarters. Image source: Amazon.

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