Now that Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) stock has split, investors can move past the drama and get back to focusing on the fundamentals. Whereas over the past few years the company has posted excellent performance and looked like a no-brainer buy, today growth is slowing down and even profitability is suffering.

Is Amazon still the easy pick for a path to stock price appreciation? Or should investors hold off while the company deals with headwinds? Let's examine Amazon stock from both angles.

Jennifer Saibil: Decelerating sales growth never feels good. But if you can look beyond the current pressures, Amazon still has a long growth runway and the potential to bring rewards for confident investors. If there are lessons to be learned from the volatile investing climate we're experiencing, one of the most important is that companies with strong fundamentals can carry investors through challenging times. That's how Warren Buffett has been so successful, and it's no wonder that his holding company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns Amazon stock.

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