Reportedly Working on Smart Glasses

As the augmented reality (AR) market prepares to catch a second wind thanks to Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) and Facebook (NASDAQ: FB), another tech titan may be preparing to jump in: (NASDAQ: AMZN). The e-commerce giant is now reportedly working on a set of Alexa-powered smart glasses that could be used as a foundation for an AR platform, according to The Financial Times.

The smart glasses would connect wirelessly to a smartphone, and bear traditional aesthetics that don't attempt to look overly futuristic (Google Glass' futuristic design was somewhat alienating), according to the report. It may use a "bone-conduction audio system" that would let the user hear Alexa without headphones. Smart AR glasses could expand Amazon's smart home strategy, and Amazon is also working on a home security camera system. (On a related note, Alphabet subsidiary Nest just announced a handful of smart home security products this morning.)

Image source: Getty Images.

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