Amazon's Online Grocery Sales Are Double Wal-Mart's

For all the success and rapid expansion of Wal-Mart Stores(NYSE: WMT) online grocery efforts, it's still well behind Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN). Amazon has taken 18% of all online grocery sales in the United States in 2017, twice as much as Wal-Mart's 9% share, according to research firm Packaged Facts.

Wal-Mart's online grocery ordering and in-store pickup has expanded to over 1,000 locations, and it expects to add another 1,000 locations next year. Indeed, Wal-Mart's online grocery sales have been a key part to its booming online sales.

But even the country's largest grocer can't compete with Amazon when it comes to selling items online. And if it's anything like the rest of online sales, the gap will only get bigger.

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