Amazon's Strategy Is a Perfect Example for Growth Investors (NASDAQ: AMZN) is a unique company for several reasons, but what makes it stand out can best be seen through a comparison with its fellow tech titans. 

Of the five tech companies that have come to dominate the stock market, all have done so by excelling in one line of business -- Apple in gadgets like smartphones; Alphabet in search; Microsoft in office software; and Facebook in social networks. All of those companies make investments in order to strengthen their positions in the markets they dominate.

Amazon, however, operates differently. While the company no doubt has a dominant position in e-commerce, it's also a leader in cloud computing, the #2 video streamer, and a leader in e-books and voice-activated technology like Alexa, and it's growing in a number of other categories it competes in. The company resists conventional definitions, which is part of what has made it so attractive to investors.

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