Americans Say It Takes $2.4 Million to Be Wealthy. Here's How to Get There in Time for Retirement

When we think about what it means to be wealthy, our minds can go in a variety of directions. For some, earning $100,000 a year might be enough to propel oneself into the "rich" category. For others, you'd need to double or triple that figure. And while there's no single, clear-cut definition of wealth in America, the general consensus seems to be that you'll need to amass $2.4 million in order to get there. At least, that's the latest from a recent Schwab study, which also defined being wealthy as getting to enjoy life and having the ability to afford whatever you want.

Of course, you may or may not agree with that assessment. But what you are probably wondering is whether you'll ever reach the point where you get to call yourself wealthy by Americans' standards. And I'm here to tell you that amassing $2.4 million is actually easier than you might assume.


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