America's Next Great Space Station Gets a Vote of Support From Japan

If you haven't done so already, start the countdown now: In 2030, NASA intends to pull the plug on the International Space Station (ISS), deorbit the ISS, and allow it to first burn up in the atmosphere, then plunge into the sea.

And yes, I know, various members of the international consortium that built the ISS have been predicting its demise for years. At one point, in fact, the ISS was supposed to be deorbited in 2023. But here we are in 2024, and it's still up there. That just serves to highlight the fact that the clock is ticking on the ISS, and its end is near at hand.

What will replace the ISS when the clock does finally strike midnight? That's actually an excellent question. At last report, there are still at least four options being floated:

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