An In-Depth Breakdown of Warren Buffett's Portfolio

There's little question that Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-A)(NYSE: BRK-B) CEO Warren Buffett is among the greatest investing minds of our time. Covering a span of more than six decades, Buffett has transformed $10,000 into a net worth of more than $86 billion and, in the process, earned himself the nickname "Oracle of Omaha." Not to mention he's also created more than $400 billion in value for his shareholders over the years.

Buffett has made his fortune two ways. First, his conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway has acquired about five dozen businesses from a variety of industries and sectors, including insurer Geico and railroad operator BNSF. And second, Buffett and his team are investors. Right now, Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway owns 48 securities that had a total value of $233.5 billion as of Nov. 21.

Curious what one of the greatest buy-and-hold investors has in his portfolio? Let's take an in-depth look by breaking down Buffett's ownership by sector. (Note: the percentage breakdown is based on the 13F filing for the end of the third quarter.)

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