Apple CEO Tim Cook Expertly Dodged Question on "Big, Beautiful Plants"

In general, it can sometimes be hard to know what President Trump is talking about. But when he makes off-the-cuff comments that have implications for investors, we're forced to try to decipher our Tweeter in Chief's words. Last week in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Trump said that Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) CEO Tim Cook had "promised" to build "three big plants, beautiful plants." "Big, big, big," Trump added.

It was a bizarre assertion, and one that Apple probably didn't appreciate. Not only because Apple values secrecy, but also because Cook very likely made no such commitment. It seems clear now that one of the plants that Trump was referring to was the factory that Foxconn announced later that week, which was widely expected. The factory will be located in Wisconsin, and the state scored the investment with generous tax incentives.

The Foxconn factory is expected to produce displays for a wide range of consumer electronics. Image source: Getty Images.

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