Apple Inc. May Have Finally Solved a Big iPhone X Production Problem

On Sept. 12, Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) unveiled its new iPhone X (pronounced "iPhone 10") smartphone. The device is Apple's best -- and most premium -- smartphone to date, sporting a nifty 3D sensing technology (marketed as a "TrueDepth" camera), a slick design, and an edge-to-edge OLED display.

Unfortunately, while Apple's less-exciting iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus -- essentially highly upgraded versions of last year's iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, respectively -- will be available for pre-order Sept. 15 and will make it into the hands of customers beginning Sept. 22, Apple isn't even going to take pre-orders for the iPhone X until Oct. 27, with deliveries not happening until Nov. 3.

Image source: Apple.

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