Apple Inc.'s iPhone X Delays Are Getting Worse

Apple's (NASDAQ: AAPL) iPhone X is suffering from production delays. This we know. Unfortunately for Apple, consumers, and investors, it appears that the delays have only gotten worse.

Raymond James analyst Christopher Caso issued a recent research note (via Tech Trader Daily) following a trip to Asia to conduct supply checks, and the note suggests there has been "an incremental delay in the build plans" recently, which will push volume production further into the December quarter (fiscal Q1). Orders have only solidified "as recently as last week," according to Caso.

Remember, Apple hadn't even given supplier Finisar approval for volume production as of the first week of September, so while Caso's note does not mention Finisar specifically, it's possible that the optical component maker secured the approval shortly after announcing manufacturing delays related to VCSEL sensors.

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