Apple Is Still the Best Bet in AR Headsets

Just because Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) hasn't released a virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) headset yet doesn't mean it isn't the company to watch in the space. Existing players like Magic Leap, Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) with its HoloLens, and an upcoming Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) AR headset have not yet built a durable competitive advantage or any kind of scale, and Apple is watching and learning from their current mistakes. 

Some people might view Apple's delay in entering AR and VR as a weakness or a strategy that will lead to lost market share. But as my Foolish colleague David Jagielski recently pointed out, Apple's slow-to-market approach is exactly the right one. And as with the iPod and smartphone, when Apple does enter the market, it'll do so with a well-thought-through product and an ecosystem of hardware and services that will make it a success. And that could potentially lead to another generation of must-have devices for this technology stock

Image source: Getty Images.

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