Apple Makes Up Almost 50% of Warren Buffett's Portfolio: Is the Stock a Buy?

Warren Buffett is known for holding onto stocks for the long term -- and even the idea of holding on forever isn't too much of an exaggeration. If Buffett believes in a business, he wants to stay involved in the story through each and every chapter.

All of this suggests Buffett's relationship with top technology and consumer goods giant (NASDAQ: AAPL) could only continue to grow. The chairman of Berkshire Hathaway added Apple shares to the company's portfolio back in 2016, making them a rather new addition if we look at the picture through a long-term lens. And this isn't just a small holding. The trillion-dollar company actually makes up nearly half of Berkshire's portfolio in terms of value.

Following Buffett's lead often is a great idea, considering his investment successes over time. Does this mean you should go all in Apple stock? Let's find out.

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