Apple to Launch AR Headsets by 2022: Is It Falling Behind Its Competitors?

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) headsets and glasses are the latest and greatest technologies when it comes to video gaming and creating an immersive user experience. Many companies have already begun to offer their own products. By giving users a more realistic environment while also adding the capability to enhance (or augment) what they can see, these technologies can change the way consumers experience a company's products and services. However, one company that doesn't appear to be in much of a rush to get in on that excitement is Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL).

Although the company initially expected to have its AR glasses ready to go by 2020, that date is now being pushed back to 2022. That's a long way away, and it puts the company well behind the competition. This is concerning not only because Apple has so badly missed its own date, but also because it is nowhere near leading the pack in terms of innovation anymore.

Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) already has a second iteration of its AR headset, HoloLens, available in the market. HoloLens is compatible with several apps and has integration with Azure as well. As a result, it's already in a strong position to command a big chunk of market -- especially with PC users. Microsoft already has a significant head start, and two more years could make the gap between its products and Apple's that much bigger. 

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